
Forth is a fascinating language , created by computer genius Charles Moore in 1968 .  

Sometimes Forth is called a low level language, but you can make high abstract programming as well. In fact, in Forth you are encouraged to CREATE YOUR OWN LANGUAGE to resolve a task. Forth is VAST , Forth can be its own OS ! * . But at the same time Forth generates the most compact code you will ever find(in many cases  more than Assembler). Experienced programmers reach their objective in record time, Forth is a super productive environment. Beginners should start learning with patience. To master Forth you will have to  relearn what you knew in other languages, nothing appears to be normal in the Forth-dimension. Forth is more than a language is a real philosophy of programming !

So, if all this sounds challenging enough ... why not try it right now ? 

You can download the latest free version of  Forth2020 for PC (ex*ForthWin)  from our free-forth site :

 You can download the latest free version of Win32forth from : or 

Gforth is an excellent Forth implementation on Linux:

Go to the Book sections, download Leo Brodie´s "Starting Forth" and have fun ! Peter's books collection

A more in depth description of Forth :

Contact me, if you need  help.  -->  Go to my contact form 

(* see openboot)